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Declaration of Identity

Certify all your properties compliance with local regulations. Our Declaration of Identity service ensures your compliance with regulations, empowering you to avoid future issues confidently.


Let us take the hassle out of your compliance process today!

What is a declaration of identity? 

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A Declaration of Identity is a letter prepared by a suitably qualified professional that confirms the precision of the property's boundaries. This certification ensures that the property is adequately served by essential utilities, impacting its habitability, functionality, and compliance with local regulations.


These utilities usually include a septic tank/wastewater treatment systems and percolation area, services, the dwelling and ancillary works and a private supply water well.

 A declaration of identity is most commonly required for sites in rural locations.

Obtain a declaration of identity in Ireland.

We offer Declarations of Identity in Ireland, Compliance Certificates provide coverage across Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow, and Louth.


Declarations of Identity are usually requested by the purchasers Solicitors. For the purchaser, the Declaration of Identity offers a layer of protection and assurance, enabling a clear understanding of what is being acquired and any potential limitations or obligations associated with the property.

Why choose us?

Choosing a professional team is vital when ensuring smoothness throughout the process and great results. 

Soliciting a Declaration of Identity is a testament to the thoroughness of the purchaser's legal team, emphasising a meticulous and informed approach to property acquisition. 

Choosing a professional team is vital when ensuring smoothness throughout the process and great results. Our experienced team has been working with this kind of certifications for years and lots of customers have trusted us.

Start Getting Your Property Certified Today!

We cover all areas in Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow and Louth.

We can deliver next day if required!

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